Research into the Late pre-Roman Iron Age (LPRIA), Roman and Early Medieval (Periods 3c & 4) reoccupation of Crickley Hill hillfort, Gloucestershire
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Friday, 20 November 2009
Volunteer achievment
This database requires a little more work from me (to fill in a few details from my research notes), but in the mean-time, please let me know if you would find it useful to take a look at it.
I'm hoping online access can soon be achieved...
Sunday, 19 July 2009
Volunteer update
Welcome Mark - hope you enjoy getting involved!
Friday, 12 June 2009
Crickley buckle

The main dating evidence for the rampart settlement (providing a late 4th century - but more probably 5th century, consideering the wear and repair tpq) is the type IV buckle (bottom)
This is very similar to the only other example of this type from Britain, found at Catterick (top: photo taken through the cabinet at the BM). They also seem to have the same metallurgical composition. The crickley version has no frame, however, which may have been removed at some point - microscopic analysis would possibly demonstrate this
Friday, 24 April 2009
Volunteer update
Thursday, 2 April 2009
Grog / clay pellet tempered pot

The bottom sherd might be later 'soft pink grog tempered ware', but there a a few problems with this interpretation. For one, they felt handmade, not wheel-made. The bottom sherd felt soapy, the others more sandy; I can't recall micaceous fabric. In either case, I don't recall the inclusions being particularly angular (they may instead be clay pellets), or the presence of other inclusions, and the sherds were thick-walled. No grey core, either. Although within the distribution zone for 'pink grog tempered', it is outside that of 'late Roman grog tempered' (which is mainly S/SE); though the latter type is often described as 'soapy', the fabric is more commonly dark (grey, brown, or black). Possibly they're (or at least the sandy, buff sherds) earlier (C1) local grog tempered ware? Any ideas?
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Crickley buildings - in 3D!
Take a look what Henry can do, on his own website:
3D building reconstructions will really help show how buildings related to one another on the site, as well as visually represent hypotheses of the types of buildings that were in use during this time. This will tell us a lot about how people lived and interacted during the post-Roman period on this site
Henry will be using the data and interpretations from the initial report, as well as consulting previous CAD plans. Google SketchUp may be used to illustrate these buildings, and hopefully they will be publically accessible on a future website
When doing my previous interpretations, I consulted architects and civil engineers, as well as looking at previous building reconstructions, to try and determine the forms of the building superstructures, but there's still much unknown. It is hoped that we might use these computer models in future experimental archaeology
Thanks Henry!
PS there's still more CAD of the ground plans to be done, if anyone would like to volunteer for this task - training will be given. This would really help in producing the 3D illustrations
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Volunteer update
Kathy's going to interpret the initial report to help complete the dark age context database (which will go in the appendix of the new report), and then (re-)produce some matrix diagrams for the report and a possible site website - thanks Kathy!
Friday, 30 January 2009
Saxon loom weights?

These fragments of grass-tempered loom weights come from the settlement activity in the area of the hillfort entrance, and look to me suspiciously like the Saxon examples from Bourton.
This of course alters the interpretation of activity within that particular area - particularly as sporadic middle Saxon metal work has been found on site
Or maybe the Crickley locals were so enthused by immigrant weaving techniques that they undertook a little industrial espionage?!
Does anyone know of other local parallels?
Sunday, 11 January 2009
Volunteer update
Henry has already dispensed some good IT advice. We now have a Google Group - this provides greater storage capacity to make data more easily accessible to volunteers etc.
Pete is presently grappling with recreating the matrices in a readable format (I remember dealing with the matrices as a pretty intense job!)
Thanks to Steve for his recent proof-reading, and for trying to keep me on the grammatical straight & narrow!
I'm currently trying to convince Tom to do a reconstruction of the Dark Age village in oils, before he goes off to Ruskin - he's still reluctant (being a portrait, rather than landscape, man!). Maybe he thinks it'll be worth too much in a few years time?! ; )
Thanks again to all!
PS. from next week I'll be teaching for a few months, so may not be able to respond as rapidly as usual to enquiries, though will respond ASAP